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Restoring Confidence in Rail the Annual Community Rail Conference 2020 by West Midlands Trains

About This Webinar

The Community Rail movement at West Midlands Trains is supporting our rail recovery efforts. We have worked throughout Lockdown and the National Pandemic Crisis with our communities and stakeholders and have launched new ventures that focus on localism and economic and social revival.
Today we welcome a national audience to our regional conference in this challenging year of Covid 19 as we take the long-term view, celebrate what has been achieved, despite the pandemic, and look to the future.

  • Welcome from Hosts - Fay and Vicky
  • Keynote by Peter Wilkinson, MD of Passenger Services at the DfT
  • Community Renaissance by Fay Easton, Head of Stakeholder and Community at West Midlands Railway
  • A Visit to Morning Sunshine at Warwick Parkway
  • Localism and Community by Vicky Cropper-Clarke. Head of Stakeholder and Community at London Northwestern Railway
  • A Visit to Berkhamsted Station
  • The Rail Business by Jonny Wiseman, Customer Experience Director for West Midlands Railway and Lawrence Bowman, Customer Experience Director for London Northwestern Railway
  • Rail Recovery - Robert Nisbet, Director of Regions and Nations at the Rail Delivery Group
  • Closing message - Julian Edwards, Managing Director at West Midlands Trains
  • Networking and opportunity for community rail questions
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Head of Stakeholder & Community - West Midlands Railway
Fay is our co-host for this event, she is Head of Stakeholder and Community for West Midlands Railway.
Webinar hosting presenter
Head of Stakeholder and Community - London Northwestern Railway
Vicky is our co-host for this event, she is Head of Stakeholder and Community for London Northwestern Railway.
Webinar hosting presenter
MD of Passenger Services at DfT
Our keynote speaker for this event is Peter Wilkinson, the Managing Director of Passenger Services at the Department for Transport.
Webinar hosting presenter
Director, Nations & Regions at Rail Delivery Group
Our external speaker will talk about Rail Recovery and the focus of the railway in the future.
Webinar hosting presenter
Customer Experience Director - London Northwestern Railway
Lawrence will be talking about the rail business - some of the current work being done to manage a train operator during Covid.
Webinar hosting presenter
Customer Experience Director - West Midlands Railway
Jonny will be talking about the rail business - some of the current work being done to manage a train operator during Covid.
Webinar hosting presenter
Managing Director - West Midlands Trains
Julian will be providing the WMT Company overview and the endorsement for the Community Rail work which is core to our business.
Attended (210)