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· 33 minutes

CPAC Live: Friday 6.19.20

Friday, June 19, 2020 · 3:30 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder & CEO of Young Americans Against Socialism
Morgan Zegers is the founder of Young Americans Against Socialism, a 501c3 non-profit organization that uses peer to peer communication to enlighten young Americans to the dangers of socialism. Morgan is also the owner of Zegers Freedom Flags, a small woodworking business that creates and sells handcrafted wooden American flags across the country. In 2018, Morgan was named a Rising Star of the New York Republican Party.

Morgan has appeared on Fox News, BBC World News, CNN, Vice News, and more to discuss the growing support for socialism in her generation and engaging young women in politics. She is also a frequent speaker at conferences and college campuses around the country, focusing on common-sense steps we can take to combat her generation’s embrace of socialism.
Webinar hosting presenter
Chairman of The American Conservative Union
Matt Schlapp is the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, the nation’s original grassroots conservative organization. During his five-year tenure as chairman, ACU has almost tripled in size, expanded CPAC to reach 25 million live viewers and 1 billion Twitter impressions at the most recent CPAC. ACU also hosts dozens of additional events, including Battleground CPACs in the US and international CPACs abroad.
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Government Affairs for The American Conservative Union
Webinar hosting presenter
President and Founder of American Commitment and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity
Phil Kerpen is the president of American Commitment and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

American Commitment is a 501(c)(4) advocacy group dedicated to restoring and protecting America’s core commitment to free markets, economic growth, Constitutionally-limited government, property rights, and individual freedom.

The Committee to Unleash Prosperity is a 501(c)(3) educational charity founded by supply-side icons Stephen Moore, Steve Forbes, and Art Laffer to promote faster economic growth through the key building blocks of low taxes, limited spending, less regulation, sound money, and free trade.

Mr. Kerpen has previously served as vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity and as an analyst and researcher for the Free Enterprise Fund, the Club for Growth, and the Cato Institute.

A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. Kerpen lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife Joanna and their four children.
Hosted By
American Conservative Union webinar platform hosts CPAC Live: Friday 6.19.20
American Conservative Union's Webinars
Attended (109)