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CPAC Live: Friday 5.8.20

Friday, May 8, 2020 · 3:30 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Chairman of The American Conservative Union
Matt Schlapp is the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, the nation’s original grassroots conservative organization. During his five-year tenure as chairman, ACU has almost tripled in size, expanded CPAC to reach 25 million live viewers and 1 billion Twitter impressions at the most recent CPAC. ACU also hosts dozens of additional events, including Battleground CPACs in the US and international CPACs abroad.
Webinar hosting presenter
Fox News Contributor
Katie Pavlich is the editor for Townhall.com and a former contributing editor to Townhall Magazine. As a Fox News contributor, Katie regularly co-hosts the daytime show Outnumbered and fills in as a guest host on the The Five, the Ingraham Angle and Hannity. As a reporter, she has covered a variety of topics ranging from presidential and congressional elections to the White House, Department of Justice, Second Amendment, border issues, the ISIS genocide of Christians in the Middle East and more. In 2014, Katie reported on Operation Protective Edge from Israel. In 2017, she traveled to China with a delegation of journalists where she met with government officials and spoke to university students about the importance of free speech. Katie serves as a columnist for The Hill and previously for the Pittsburgh-Tribune.
Hosted By
American Conservative Union webinar platform hosts CPAC Live: Friday 5.8.20
American Conservative Union's Webinars
Attended (198)