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Gaining Business Intelligence

About This Webinar

In the current business environment, A/E/C firms are cautiously looking at how they spend their dollars, especially as it relates to marketing and business development. The most effective way to do this is to begin by gaining the appropriate business intelligence that can then dictate the optimum manner in which future expenditures should be allocated by the firm.During this interactive discussion, two veterans of the A/E/C world will guide attendees through a business intelligence process that can be applied to design firms and will show them how to economically gain the information and knowledge to guide their firms through the business acquisition process during these challenging times. This intelligence will not only include processes for discovering market trends, uncovering client developments, and detecting competitor pivots but will also apply that knowledge to build and maintain a successful firm.
The presented process will begin by helping attendees understand how to establish their firm’s goals for this effort, followed by providing tools for them to explore the global economy and the overall state of the design and construction industry. A method for performing an in-depth look at investigating their clients rounds out the research portion of the effort. The most important component of gathering business intelligence – interpreting the results - will then be presented by providing a format for a STEEP analysis of a design firm that will allow attendees to develop a customized course of action for their firm. In conclusion, a robust list of resources necessary to obtain and interpreting these items will be provided to attendees.

  • Understand the critical role of obtaining business intelligence in developing and implementing design firm strategy,
  • Identify a myriad of sources for identifying trends in the industry, with their clients, and among their competitors,
  • Utilize multiple tools and processes to interpret those trends, and
  • Leave with a list of resources that will allow them to independently obtain and interpret these items that are most applicable to their firm
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $35.00
Attended (14)