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Continuous Insulation: 8 Wall Assembly Comparisons (Advanced)

About This Webinar

Continuous Insulation, while required by the energy code, presents challenges integrating it with the overall wall-assembly’s design, performance and construction. This second of two programs at the advanced level, comparatively studies eight commercial wall assemblies with considerations including: Overview of the Assembly components, NFPA 285 compliance and fire rated options, WUFI thermal and moisture modeling comparisons, Weight of the cladding as structural comparisons, and Construction cost along with production speed as comparative rankings.

  • OVERVIEW of EIGHT ASSEMBLES: Understand the rationale of the eight commercial steel studframed wall-assemblies and how they compare with their types of continuous and total insulation, sheathing, air, water and vapor control layers.
  • 285 & RATED: Compare how each assembly complies with NFPA 285 requirements and optional fireratings.
  • WUFI: Understand how each assembly compares utilizing WUFI Hygrothermic (thermal and moisture) evaluations over four climate seasons chosen for Climate Zone 5 (due to the requirement for an interior vapor retarder).
  • WEIGHT OF CLADDING: Compare how the wall’s assembly can affect the structural cladding load capacity of each.
  • COST & PRODUCTION RANKINGS: Compare the eight wall assemblies by their constructed cost, their daily production speed and by their combined rankings.
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $35.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Manager & Principal of DSS-Philly, Enclosure Architects
G. David Schoenhard, AIA has over 40 years’ experience in designing fine architecture, with the last five as the Principal of DSS-Philly, one of the leading High-Performance Building Enclosure consulting firms in the Philadelphia region. He brings his decades of architectural experience to skillfully advise and design, implement or sometimes remediate building enclosures on behalf of other architects, owners and contractors. He is also actively researching comparative building enclosure assemblies and is an AIA Continuing Education Provider.
Attended (13)