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Applying WELL to the Industrial Workplace

About This Webinar

Ever-increasing consumer demand is driving the value proposition for industrial development. This new paradigm of consumer-driven value requires an increase in more sophisticated labor. Added pressure to attract and retain industrial workforce sets the stage for radical change in order to address increased reports about unhealthy and hostile workplace conditions. As a result, industrial companies are evaluating the WELL Building Standard as a means to improve workplace conditions for employees’ health and wellbeing. Design solutions include improved conditioning, daylight, views, and noise reduction, among other considerations. However, in industrial workplace, sound is one of the most challenging and critical issues to address since excessive noise can lead to serious health problems in addition to lack of focus and productivity, and increased employee dissatisfaction. This session will outline the most applicable of the 10 WELL concepts and design solutions to achieve them with a deep dive on acoustic issues and solutions.

  • Understand what is driving changes in the industrial workplace through an overview of current trends in industry as it relates to workforce
  • Identify the most applicable WELL Building Standard concepts to industrial workplace
  • Describe design solutions that can address the most applicable WELL concepts
  • Gain insight into the WELL v2 Sound concept through an explanation of the basis of architectural acoustics as applied to the unique challenges in industrial workplace
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $35.00
Attended (14)