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Purpose-Built Linux for Aerospace and Defense

About This Webinar

Since 2016, open-source software has become a focal point of the US military’s software development strategy (The People’s Code | whitehouse.gov (archives.gov)), with the Department of Defense becoming one of the largest users of open-source Linux distributions. They hoped that this change would lead to faster and more efficient innovation, while allowing advancements to be shared across projects and industries. Across the A&D space, we see a similar push, with many projects facing similar challenges and turning to lean on proven, reliable software.

In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits that purpose-built Linux provides to developers building applications for embedded systems in the aerospace and defense industry.

You Will Learn:

- What issues embedded developers face when building applications
- Why developers work with Linux
- How purpose-built Linux can decrease time-to-market and improve application safety

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