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· 1 hour

Mind Management: The Pathway to Permanent Healing

Thursday, December 1, 2016 · 8:15 p.m. · Mountain Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

The Lighted Candle Society (LCS) has been fighting against pornography with the combined experience of its leaders for over 50 years. LCS has spent over a million and a half dollars researching how the brain is affected by sexually explicit material. Armed with this knowledge, the LCS fights against pornography through litigation, research, publications and education programs. Through research concerning what can most help individuals overcome exposure or addiction to such material, the Lighted Candle Society has developed this webinar on mind management.

This Webinar teaches individuals how to restore their brain, manage their mind, and become free of the damage of sexually explicit material. Individuals will learn how to gain freedom from the craving.

Research on the effects of sexually explicit material has conclusively determined that pornography and related sexually explicit material create an extremely damaging brain addiction.

Such material creates a chemical fire damaging brain functions and shrinking vital brain parts. The material damages the pre-cortex executive function of the brain, disconnecting the wise and reasoning executor who looks at things before making decisions. In addition, the material cuts new pathways in the mind, by-passing critical functions, disconnecting from the value system and expediting the need for pleasure. All of these things pollute healthy chemical portions in the brain and create a dangerous chemical cocktail difficult to re-balance. Despite the damage, brain functioning and damaged parts can be repaired.

Mind management skills give freedom from the craving, and provide impulse control and control over thoughts and emotional states, thereby opening up and allowing the time required for brain structures and chemicals to restore to normal state.

The purpose of this one hour class is to teach new mental skills as tools to disconnect from or shut down emotional cravings and other influences from sexually explicit material. Using mind management to avoid participation in pornography long enough for healing to begin and long enough for other healing remedies to be implemented provides individuals a pathway to permanent healing. The training in this class will lead to mind management – mental and emotional control that will grant freedom from illicit desires and power to begin brain restoration. This class will teach an awareness of the Intelligence or the executive functioning of the spiritual mind and brain, will re-open healthy neural-pathways, and facilitate re-balancing of brain chemicals. All of these outcomes can be achieved through specific mind management practices.

In this 1 hour web conference, we will cover:
How does sexually explicit material damage the brain?
Can the damaged brain be healed?
Mind management skills: The pathway to permanent healing.

In this 1-hour web conference, we will cover:

-How does sexually explicit material damage the brain
-Can the damaged brain be healed?
-Mind Management skills: The Pathway to Permanent Healing

  • How does sexually explicit material damage the brain
  • Can the damaged brain be healed?
  • Mind Management skills: The Pathway to Permanent Healing
Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 1b9839b2cb4f
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Timothy Bothell
Vice President, The Lighted Candle Society
See www.thelightedcandlesociety.net
Webinar hosting presenter John Harmer
John Harmer has actively battled against sexually explicit material over the last fifty years as an attorney, an elected public official, and a citizen activist.
Hosted By
The Lighted Candle Society webinar platform hosts Mind Management: The Pathway to Permanent Healing
The Lighted Candle Society protects individuals, families and communities from the poison of pornography.
Attended (1)