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The weakest link: Secure your supply chain with ASM tools

About This Webinar

Is your company at risk because of weaknesses in your supply chain? In the last two years, 98% of organisations have been affected by a supplier suffering a cyber-attack. As the global attack surface increases, and with NIS2 and DORA around the corner, there is now a pressing need and legal obligation for businesses to understand and protect against the wider threats posed by an insecure supply chain.

Join our webinar to gain valuable insights into how Attack Surface Management (ASM) tools mitigate third-party supply chain risk. Our experts will guide you through practical strategies to enhance your security posture and protect against supply chain vulnerabilities. In this session we will cover:

- Assess your third-party risk management:  Identify vulnerabilities in your vendor network in real-time and ensure their security aligns with your standards.

- Gain a holistic view of your security posture:  Uncover blind spots in your own attack surface beyond your internal network.

- Proactively address threats:  Prioritize risks and take action to mitigate potential breaches before they happen.

We will be joined by Proact’s very own CISO, plus representatives from SecurityScorecard who will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have. In addition, attendees to this webinar will also have the opportunity to access a complimentary SecurityScorecard assessment and personalised review.

Register now to discover how you can gain valuable context, insights, and actionable steps to enhance your cybersecurity posture and maintain trust with clients.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter Proact
Unlock the power of your data
Webinar hosting presenter
CISO, Proact
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Area Director, North | Security Scorecard
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Proact webinar platform hosts The weakest link: Secure your supply chain with ASM tools
Proact is Europe’s leading specialist in data and information management with focus on cloud services and data centre solutions. We help our customers to store, connect, protect, secure and drive value through their data whilst increasing agility, productivity and efficiency.