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Colorectal cancer and the role of the MBBS doctor

About This Webinar

Colorectal cancer is a formidable health problem worldwide. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women. It accounts for 8% of the deaths due to cancer worldwide which makes it the fourth most common cause of death due to cancer. Even though the prevalence in India is believed to be lower than in the developed world, the number of cases are rising by the day. Knowledge of colorectal cancer will help you save countless lives. Thorough knowledge of Oncology will help you understand colorectal cancer better.
The Fellowship in Clinical Oncology course by Medvarsity will equip you to provide supportive care and rehabilitation and handle oncological emergencies while providing you the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists. This course includes multiple videos, lectures, webinars, and interactive elements to familiarize you with the management techniques for patients suffering from different types of cancers. Additionally, the live case discussions allow you the opportunity to clarify your doubts with the faculty. The online design of the course permits you to upskill yourself from the comfort of your home or clinic.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
MBBS, MD Internal Medicine, DM Oncology
Dr. Vikas Talreja is a consultant Medical and Hemato-Oncologist at Regency Health. He has previously worked with esteemed institutes like Safdarjung Hospital and Tata Memorial Hospital. He has done his MBBS and MD Internal Medicine from Delhi following which he has pursued DM Medical and Hemato-Oncology from Tata Memorial Hospital. He is also a European Certified Medical Oncologist (ECMO).
Webinar hosting presenter Dr Ruchi
Program Manager
Hosted By
Medvarsity Online Limited webinar platform hosts Colorectal cancer and the role of the MBBS doctor
Medvarsity is the leading online medical certification and training company with presence across 40 locations in India and students across India, Middle East, Africa and South East Asia.
Attended (89)