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WK06: Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Modeling and Patient Reported Outcomes Research

About This Webinar

Workshop 06: Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Modeling and Patient Reported Outcomes Research

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Webinar Price: Free
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I have given workshops in previous ISOQOL meetings, most recent being the 2019 meeting on Latent Dirichlet Allocation to analyze free-text entries of patients' goal statements as they undergo bladder cancer surgery and reconstruction.

The most relevant publication on this topic is a published tutorial paper on Bayesian nonparametrics for cognitive psychologists (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmp.2019.04.004). Several reading materials, including the tools for the Bayesian computation for this proposed workshop, are available online for easy access ( https://www.mskcc.org/departments/epidemiology-biostatistics/biostatistics/half-day-tutorial-tutorial-dirichlet-process-mixture-modeling).

My other relevant qualifications are as follows. I am on PCORI's Advisory Panel on Clinical Trials (2019-2022) and I am also on the review panel for the Improving Methods for Conducting PCOR for Cycle 3 2019. I am the author of a statistics textbook (Li & Baron, 2012) on behavioral statistics. I have also written tutorials explaining the practical use of Bayesian methods to behavioral scientists (Li, 2006; Li & Baser, 2012; Li, Root, Atkinson, and Ahles, 2016; Li, Lord-Bessen, Shiyko, Loeb, 2018). Therefore, I believe I am qualified to teach this workshop.
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ISOQOL webinar platform hosts WK06: Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Modeling and Patient Reported Outcomes Research
Gant 's webinars
Attended (24)