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ICM Live Web Class - Counseling Sexual Addiction - Lesson 6

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 · 8:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Counseling Sexual Addiction
Presented by ICM's Special Guest Presenter,
James (Jim) Drake

This 6-week course will be presented by the International College of Ministry.

Classes begin on Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 at 8:00pm Eastern / 7:00pm Central.

Please Note Class Dates:

Week 1 - November 14th , 2017
Week 2 - November 21th , 2017
Week 3 - November 28th , 2017
Week 4 - December 5th , 2017
Week 5 - December 12th , 2017
Week 6 - December 19th , 2017

Each Live Web Class is approximately 60 minutes in length.

You are cordially invited to ICM's next six-week webinar series - Counseling Sexual Addiction taught by ICM graduate James Drake, M.A. Christian Ministry.

This will be a live interactive course teaching the facts about how prevalent sexual addiction is in our world and how it’s attacking the very foundation of God’s plan for marriage and family. You’ll learn to identify it and gain insight to counsel the sex addict, leading them on the road to recovery and deliverance.

We know about the infamous sex offenders, politicians and Hollywood celebrities in trouble, the sex slave trade in other countries but that’s not where we live. Is it? A 2014 survey by the Barna Group revealed that 64% of self-identified Christian men and 15% of self-identified Christian women view pornography at least once per month (compared to 65% of non-Christian men and 30% of non-Christian women). Sounds like an epidemic both in and outside of the church!

The bible is clear about the God designed relationship between man and woman. Genesis 2:18-25. And what it’s not intended to be. Romans 1:26-27. We’ll look at the biblical commands and principles, applying them to sexual addiction. Discover the origins of the “sexual revolution” which actually lead our world into sexual anarchy. Learn useful tools that help identify if someone has a sexual addiction and the nature of its origin. Gain the resources needed to help them in their recovery, restoration, and ultimately foster their deliverance. This six-week series promises to be useful for counselors as well as anyone who may know someone with a sexual addiction. Come join in and invite your friends.

Counseling Sexual Addiction by James Drake is an in-depth study of sexual addiction for the Christian Counselor. This timely course will be fascinating because of the depth of information presented on a topic that’s rarely discussed from the pulpit. The student will study key issues and answers from a Holy Spirit directed viewpoint. This is an important course for all counseling majors and for personal enrichment or healing.

Jim Drake 151x200 02James (Jim) Drake is a graduate of ICM College holding a Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry with an emphasis in the Prophetic. He also has a ministry license and ordination through the school. Jim walks in a prophetic gifting and has a deep love for those dealing with trauma induced bondage. He desires to help set them free with the Holy Spirit so they can fearlessly pursue their God breathed calling. Jim and his wife, Marcia Marcia live in balmy Milwaukee Wisconsin and have four grown children.

This ICM Live Web Class series can be taken for three hours of college credit for enrolled ICM students but everyone is invited to learn.

Don’t delay register now. Be sure and tell a friend about this special series. There are a limited number of spaces available so please register as soon as possible. Limited two-way video seats are offered in order of registration.

We look forward to seeing you online.


International College of Ministry

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Donation
Webinar ID: e594aaf70760
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter ICM College
Community Admin
The International College of Ministry is recognized by the Florida Department of Education as a religious school granting degrees including Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate. We are an equipping, training, and activating program for all Christians in the full counsel of the Word of God. We are a place wherein students learn to interpret scripture hermeneutically, hearing the heart of the author, the Holy Spirit. We are an institution that advances the Kingdom of God by equipping believers and releasing them into their God-given calling.
Webinar hosting presenter Dr. Ray Self
President - International College of Ministry
Hosted By
ICM College's Community webinar platform hosts ICM Live Web Class - Counseling Sexual Addiction - Lesson 6
ICM College is a non-resident learning center recognized by the Florida Department of Education as a religious school granting degrees including Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate.
Attended (7)