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Digital Rockstars Unplugged - #6 The Exact Sales Formula That Sold Over 1,000 Websites

About This Webinar

Calling all graphic/web design freelancers and/or web business owners who want to nail their business and take back control once and for all!

"From Lead To Sale: The Exact Sales Formula That Sold Over 1,000 Websites"

Join us this week as my wingman and sales extraordinaire, Simon Langridge, joins us to lift the hood on just how he's managed to personally closed over 1,000 small business website deals in just the last few years.

In this jam packed power hour, Simon will rock out his expert tunes and share with you:

- The exact process he's perfected over the last 7 years doing over the phone website sales. He's had over 5,000 conversations with small business owners and he's heard every objection known to man.
- The formula agencies charge big bucks for but that you can offer solo, and how to communicate that value to clients so price becomes irrelevant.
- Why you shouldn't ever actually "sell" --*gasp* -- and what you should do instead.

Join us as we pull back the curtain on our exact, step-by-step website sales process from lead to sale and use it to generate kick-ass clients who love what you do, value your work, and never buck about price.

Think of it like a part mastermind group / part mentor / part group coaching (for free) and part just hanging out and jamming some fun with like-minded, rockstar designers who have walked in your shoes before. It's like a virtual meetup, but without the warm booze and awkward small talk.

Whether you're still moonlighting and want to break free from the 9-5pm, or you're a seasoned freelancer or web design boss, our Friday Jam Sessions will be your secret weapon to sanity and success.

We'll talk mindset, daily habits, sales, systems, marketing, mastery as it relates to running a creative business -- whatever the hell you need on the day really!

I have a never-ending hard drive embedded in my head that I urge you to take advantage of. Like seriously, you'd be crazy not to. I'm not charging for this and I charge $500 per hour for my time. You can tune in and ask me anything you want and basically get free coaching.

Key word there "FREE" people. Get on it. This may not be around forever.

To serve you. To give back. To help you bitchslap your dreams into reality. To help you transform from designer to designpreneur. To help you master your business and your life. To help you get out of your own way. To help you get 'unstuck'. To help spread the digital love. And to inspire you to do the same. I've done over 3,000 website projects now, had 20+ staff under my command and turned over a shit-hot 7-figure sum year on year so you could say I've learnt a thing or two about what it takes to get to the top. I also know what might be standing in your way and causing you to fail.

After 20 years inspiring more than 10,000 designers and small business owners to take control and get results with their marketing strategies, Bianca is now spearheading a software that puts all of her web, graphic design, marketing and business tools all in the one place. She’s a translator of web jargon, a lead generation master and you can Google her brain for endless strategies on how to transform your business.

So why haven't you registered yet?

There's only a certain amount of places so clear your calendar, lock it in and let's jam. It's one hour of your life each Friday that could entirely change the trajectory of your entire business. And I did mention it was FREE didn't I?

What my clients are saying:

"Wow Bianca, you never fail to impress… you’re the type of woman who wears her underpants on the outside.”

"Bianca is like Mother Theresa, Walt Disney and Steve Jobs rolled into one. Compassionate, Creative and Brilliant!”

  • The exact process he's perfected over the last 7 years doing over the phone website sales.
  • The formula agencies charge big bucks for but that you can offer solo, and how to communicate that value to clients so price becomes irrelevant.
  • Why you shouldn't ever actually "sell" --*gasp* -- and what you should do instead.
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 283f855b0859
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Bianca B
Founder CEO, Foxley
It breaks my heart to see struggling designers trying to make ends meet, feeling anything but ‘free’.

I’ll help you transform from designer to designpreneur -- from $50k to $500k -- and beyond. I’ve gone from a one-woman graphic design agency to a thriving web design business and software company with 20 employees and 3000+ websites under my belt.

Join me to hear about how I run our business, and why I started the world's first truly complete 'web business in a box', www.GetFoxley.com Let's chase down those dreams of yours and bitch-slap them into reality shall we? You were born for this. xx
Webinar hosting presenter Simon L
Director of Web123, Co-Founder of Foxley
Simon has a long history in sales and marketing and brings fresh thinking to the web industry. With over a decade in television marketing, 15 years in the food and retail industries and four years of teaching sales, Simon has personally helped thousands of Australian small businesses get online with affordable, results focused websites.
Hosted By
Foxley webinar platform hosts Digital Rockstars Unplugged - #6 The Exact Sales Formula That Sold Over 1,000 Websites
The #1 community for revolutionary digital rockstars who want to punch fear in the face and become 100% limitless in their web design business. Profits. Success. Freedom. Become a Rockstar today!
Attended (24)