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Virtual Reality Training - Is In Your Future

About This Webinar

Virtual reality (VR) research has gone through rapid advances and the technology has established itself as a valuable training tool in many domains. While research in the field of emergency response, and more specifically in the field of firefighting, is still catching up, the future potential of VR technology for training is promising. While using VR for training is cost-effective, safe to use and provides the ability to prepare trainees with a large variety of high-fidelity training environments, the lack in specialization of the applications for the fire-service sector and issues with technology acceptance and limitations need to be addressed. This webinar will cover the use of simulations and a fire suppression virtuality reality training prop.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Brian P. Kazmierzak, EFO, CTO is the Deputy Director of Fire Services for the Benton Harbor (MI) Department of Public Safety, where he has served since 2020. Brian has a bachelor’s degree in fire service administration from Southern Illinois University and serves as the Director of Operations for www.FireFighterCloseCalls.com. Brian received the 2006 F.O.O.L.S. International Dana Hannon Instructor of the Year Award, the 2008 Indiana Fire Chiefs Training Officer of the Year Award, and the 2011 ISFSI/FDIC George D. Post Fire Instructor Award. In addition, Brian completed the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program in 2006 and is a certified Michigan Professional Emergency Manager. Brian was on the UL FSRI PPV Research Study Basement Fire Tactics Study panels. Brian has been a student of the fire service since 1991 and has taught and consulted for small departments as well as metro-sized departments. Brian serves as a Lead Instructor and Curriculum Developer for numerous ISFSI programs.

The Art of Simulation
Rules of Simulation-based Training
Types of Simulations
Simulation Software
Successful Simulation-based Programs
Webinar hosting presenter
Fire Chief, German Township Fire Department (Ret.)
John M. Buckman III served as a German Township Fire Chief managing volunteers for 35 years. He is most proud of the title “pawpaw.” Leslie his wife has spent 29 years together. He currently serves as Education Coordinator for the International Association of Fire Chief Volunteer and Combination Officers Section. He is the Director of Government and Regional Outreach for IamResponding. He served as the Indiana Fire Academy Director for 15 years. He served as President of the International Association of Fire Chief in 2001-2002.

He has authored over 150 articles in various publications. In 1996 he was selected by Fire Chief Magazine as Fire Chief of the Year in 1996. He has published 4 books and 7 photography books. He received the Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels Meritorious Service Award. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2022 he received the Jimmy Seavey Health and Wellness award presented by the NVFC. and the Presidents Award from the International Society of Fire Service Instructors.

He was one of the founders of the Volunteer and Combination Officer Section (VCOS) and the National Fire Academy Alumni Association. He has contributed to several “ribbon reports” published by the VCOS. He was asked to be one of the editors for the original Lavender Ribbon Report published by the VCOS and NVFC in 2019. In 2021 he along with Brian McQueen spearheaded the update for the Lavender Ribbon Report. He is a principal author of the Yellow Ribbon Report and the updated updated Training Volunteers white paper published by the National Volunteer Fire Council and the Volunteer and Combination Officers Section.
Hosted By
International Association of Fire Chiefs webinar platform hosts Virtual Reality Training - Is In Your Future
The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of over 1.2 million firefighters and emergency responders. IAFC members are the world's leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety legislation. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for its members to exchange ideas and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders.