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Summer 2017 Partner Training May 18

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 4668f10d64b0
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Stephanie F
Program Coordinator
Hi! I have been a part of Common Threads for over 3 years now, I spent the first 2 volunteering with Common Threads and have been on staff for about 1.5 years now. Prior to joining Common Threads I was a middle school math teacher and also hold a culinary arts degree. I love cooking and my passion is to empower students to cook healthy meals at home. As the Program Coordinator I write and manage our curriculum, training, and alumni relations, but the best part of my job is teaching the classes!
Hosted By
Common Threads webinar platform hosts Summer 2017 Partner Training May 18
We teach underserved children to cook wholesome & affordable meals, because, through our cooking classes, we can help prevent childhood obesity and reverse the trend of generations of non-cookers, while celebrating our cultural differences.
Attended (9)