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Cooking Up Health: Community Service Logistics

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: f70e1531eff1
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Stephanie F
Program Coordinator
Hi! I have been a part of Common Threads for over 3 years now, I spent the first 2 volunteering with Common Threads and have been on staff for about 1.5 years now. Prior to joining Common Threads I was a middle school math teacher and also hold a culinary arts degree. I love cooking and my passion is to empower students to cook healthy meals at home. As the Program Coordinator I write and manage our curriculum, training, and alumni relations, but the best part of my job is teaching the classes!
Hosted By
Common Threads webinar platform hosts Cooking Up Health: Community Service Logistics
We teach underserved children to cook wholesome & affordable meals, because, through our cooking classes, we can help prevent childhood obesity and reverse the trend of generations of non-cookers, while celebrating our cultural differences.
Attended (8)