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· 30 minutes

Break Through the Noise: How Data-Driven Storytelling Drove 12% of Asana's Pipeline

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 · 6:45 p.m. · London
About This Webinar

A talk by Katie Rowland.

The world is changing - fast. How customers around the world think, behave, and see themselves and the world is changing, too. In this session, Katie Rowland, Head of Northern Europe and UKI Marketing & EMEA Campaigns at Asana, will share tactics on how to set up a successful third-party commissioned research study and use the insights to drive cross-functional, global campaigns that delight customers and expand your pipeline.

After this session, you'll be able to:

  1. Set up a successful survey that provides insights into what matters most to your customers

  2. Use survey insights and translate them into a comprehensive, impactful marketing campaign

  3. Get your team excited about the survey and its potential impact

Who should attend? This session is for marketing leaders who are interested in getting closer to their target customers by telling stories they'll actually care about.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Attended (14)