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Doing More with Less – From Genotyping Arrays to Low-Pass Whole Genome Sequencing

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 · 12:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) usage continues to grow in the discovery and development of disease models; however, they are often restricted to interrogation within predefined European ancestry populations.

In this webinar, speakers from Illumina and GENEWIZ will discuss how low-pass whole genome sequencing (LP-WGS) enables genome-wide variant data generation without pre-defined population limitations. The combination of low-pass sequencing data and imputation has the potential to provide up to 99% accurate variant call detection and identification of SNPs, INDELs, and copy number variants, providing an abundance of data for the money spent.

LP-WGS is a technique for a broad spectrum of applications, such as analysis of complex-trait association studies, calculation of genome-wide polygenic risk scores and identifying copy number alterations from cell-free DNA.

What You'll Learn:

- The science behind LP-WGS technology
- Trade-offs of LP-WGS compared to traditional genotyping arrays and other whole genome or targeted approaches
- Applications of LP-WGS – particularly in liquid biopsy sequencing

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Katherine B. Chiappinelli, Ph.D.
Supervisor, Technical Applications, GENEWIZ
Elizabeth received her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology from Stony Brook University. Elizabeth provides consultation to customers across all genomic solutions that GENEWIZ offers, including next generation sequencing, gene and DNA synthesis, and any custom molecular biology needs.
Webinar hosting presenter
Staff Scientist, Emerging Applications, Illumina, Inc.
Erich received his Ph.D. in Genetics from the University of Chicago, and is a 14-year veteran of Illumina, Inc. Erich has led assay teams responsible for the development of a wide range of Illumina products, from the GoldenGate® BeadChips to the original TruSight® Tumor Assay.
Hosted By
Azenta Life Sciences webinar platform hosts Doing More with Less – From Genotyping Arrays to Low-Pass Whole Genome Sequencing
Azenta Life Sciences Webinars
Attended (77)