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Session #1 Intro Mental Health Month

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 · 5:30 p.m. · Pacific Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

October is Mental Health Month. This webinar series will be complemented by local talks on mental health applications of music and multimedia.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 06082971f8a9
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Tom Benjamin
Dr Tom Benjamin: psychologist in Sydney, Australia currently researching games/virtual worlds and new media applications. In a matter of weeks he was able to go from a complete 'unknown' on the Web to some first page rankings alongside big names in show business.

Margaret Penhall-Jones Margaret is a trained Counsellor and conducted a private counselling practice for ten years. She is also a writer and author

This Multimedia Web Presence conference is complementary to the Career Development Series. It is intended for those in industries and settings in which digital portfolios are becoming common. There are many cheap and simple Hollywood-level tools now available to create animations, virals, music demo’s, lectures etc. The big cost is now time to sift through what software is available and the learning curve budget.

Even a 'killer' e-portfolio can't serve as your electronic business card unless people can remember it and find it. Search engines can't read images. So placement of old fashioned text is all-important in getting a search presence.

The collection of skills above gets you started. Even if you decide (sensibly) not do it all yourself and pay for some professional help, these skills should save you a lot of time and money. The professional will, after all, be asking you questions like "who is your target?" "what do you want to convey?" "what's your budget?". You'll have a head start if you've already thought this through.
Hosted By
Music Club webinar platform hosts Session #1 Intro Mental Health Month
'Ever wanted to star on your own MTV network? Need a soundtrack for your educational game? Want the world to hear your community group's message? Want a musical logo for your business?

These are just a few reasons to learn how to make a music video. The techniques can be applied to all manner of commercial and hobby presentations. Learn secrets of multi-tracking, access thousands of free resources. It's all here at Music Club. Between BigMarker conferences there are plenty of online web resources for you. We start at the most basic level, assuming you can neither sing, play guitar, nor record or produce. We progress through these stages up to making full music video productions that you can put on the web or use in your business, school or community group.
Attended (1)